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Special packages

Do the things you want to do instead of the things you have to do!

Our Services can lessen you worries, reduce stress and provide you with precious time for spending with your family and friends and enjoying life the way you should be doing.

Service range

Personal Tasks Services

Pick up and Drop off

Accept and deliver gifts, parcels to the post office etc.
Pay your utility bills for you
Procure tickets for your (theatre, sports, cultural, movies, airlines etc).
Dryclean, Bank deposits and withdrawals, food and grocery etc.

Household Management services

Will meet with your phone, cable and repair men at your home while you are at work. Home checks while you are away (pick up mails, newpapers, pay your bills, check for forced entry, feed pets, turn on lights, water plants etc).
Clean your house
Periodic door step monitoring for life style diseases.
Escort services for medical check up and routine visits to the doctor etc.

Corporate Services

Office supplies
Document delivery and pick up
Cargo clearance and dispatch
Travel arrangements
Event planning and management
Reserving and preparing conference halls
IT Services
Employee move in and move out services
Personal tasks of your employees and clients.
Pick up and drop off of your clients
Catering Services

Besides the above services call us for details on individual needs and requests (individual and company needs)

Please note that Keralashree will not engage in any intentional illegal or morally compromising activities. Keralashree reserves the right to obtain a signed statement that nothing illegal or morally compromising will be involved and they will be held responsible and liable.
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